ND Profile

Hyun Jung Oh, ND

Dr. Hyun Jung (Katie) Oh is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (2011). She has additional training in intravenous and injection therapy, and holds Prescribing Rights regulated by the College of Naturopaths in Ontario.Growing up in South Korea, Dr. Oh, ND came into close contact with various Eastern healing traditions such as Traditional Asian Medicine, Tai-Chi, Yoga and meditation. When she graduated from university, she ventured to Toronto to explore Western healing traditions and evidence-based natural medicine in order to broaden her understanding of the human mind and body. Focusing on mind-body medicine and functional approaches to health, she continuously strives to learn from both traditions and utilize gentle yet powerful natural therapies to bring balance to the whole person.

Dr. Oh, ND is experienced in treating patients of all ages, with a special interest in women’s health, thyroid & adrenal dysfunction, pediatrics (particularly eczema and asthma), anxiety, panic attacks and stress-related conditions.

Her naturopathic practice involves lifestyle modifications, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, botanical medicine, homeopathy, biotherapeutic drainage, and high dose vitamin injection therapy. In addition, she recently obtained her certification in Buteyko Method to help re-train disordered breathing patterns related to asthma, rhinitis, anxiety, panic attacks and sleep disorders. 



  • Ontario
    • Intravenous Infusion Therapy
    • Therapeutic Prescribing


  • English
  • Korean