ND Profile

Kealy Mann, ND, BA

I am a registered Naturopathic Doctor in Ontario and was nominated as Ottawa’s Best Naturopathic Doctor in 2014 by FACES magazine and currently have a practice with a focus on digestive concerns, endocrine and hormonal health, as well as women’s and children’s health.

By using a whole-systems approach, I help patients deal with the underlying issues that result in symptoms. After dealing with my own personal illness, I have dedicated my career to addressing the root causes of chronic disease, in order to help patients heal, instead of just masking their symptoms.

I am passionate about helping my patients regain their health and wellness using natural and non-invasive therapies. In addition to treating adult patients, I also believe that if children have a healthy start to life, they will carry it through into their adult years. I work with families to use natural therapies to heal some of the common complaints that seen in kids – because healthy kids make happy kids (and parents!).



  • Ontario
    • Intravenous Infusion Therapy
    • Therapeutic Prescribing


  • English