ND Profile

Amanda Chay, ND, BA

I am a Naturopathic Physician and owner of The Natural Path Clinic in Rossland, BC. Prior to my 4 year medical degree, I completed pre-medical studies and a degree in Psychology at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan. Combining my love of medicine, psychology and nature I was driven to a career in Naturopathic Medicine. I have seen time and time again common medical conditions being reversed with simple diet and lifestyle changes with the aid of herbal and vitamin supplements. I truly believe in the body’s innate desire to heal and that each patient is unique, deserving of treatment that is specific to you.

My goal for you is to be symptom free so you can simply spend more time enjoying every day. I believe the key to health and happiness is balance and I will help you get to a place where you can still enjoy the simple pleasures of life without them compromising your health. I am excited to offer you a more natural approach and work with you on your journey to optimal health!



  • British Columbia
    • Acupuncture
    • IV therapies
    • Prescriptive Authority


  • English