ND Profile

Karen Maloney-Younker, ND

Karen Maloney-Younker is a licensed naturopathic doctor. She graduated in 2014 from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine(CCNM) in Toronto and has been practicing at Live Well since becoming board certified with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario(CoNO). She is a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors(CAND) and the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors(OAND).


Naturopathic doctors use a number of treatment modalities including: botanical medicine, homeopathy, nutrition and supplements, acupuncture and Asian medicine as well as physical modalities and lifestyle counseling and support. The goal of treatment is to support the body's own ability to heal and to use the aforementioned modalities to gently bring the body back into balance. Karen treats many health conditions, with a special interest in digestive health, musculoskeletal injuries, mental health, and pediatric health. Patients of all ages and backgrounds are welcome.


Prior to studying naturopathy, Karen worked as a personal trainer working with clients to help them improve their health, fitness and athletic performance and rehabilitate injuries. She graduated from Western University with a degree in psychology and kinesiology.


Karen has lived in St Catharines for over twenty years, she lives with her husband and 2 sons. When she is not working she can be found camping and hiking with her family, reading Can-lit, listening to podcasts and cooking.



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