ND Profile

Jennifer Charron, ND, HSBc

The Natural Way is a Family Medical practice in a multidisciplinary clinic. Our compassionate team of Doctors work together to provide you with the best possible care. The Natural Way offers service in Women's health, Men's Health, Pediatrics, and Geriatrics. Some of our areas of special interest include: Anti-aging medicine, Sleep dysfunction, Weight loss, Hormone Health (Bioidentical hormones, hormone testing, menopause, PCOS, thyroid imbalance, adrenal fatigue), Couples infertility, Pregnancy care, Allergy testing and treatments, Detox programs, Digestive health (IBS, Chrons, Colitis), Skin conditions (acne, eczema, psoriasis, hives), Heart disease, Diabetes, Immune imbalances, Lyme disease, Stress, and Fatigue. We provide our patients with a wide variety of testing options and prescriptions when needed. We work as a team amongst our practitioners to achieve the common goal of an evidence based, unified, and complete health care approach.



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