ND Profile

Colin MacLeod, ND

Dr. MacLeod’s practice consists of a diversity of patients and health conditions but with a focus on pain management, osteoarthritis and injury recovery. Dr. MacLeod has a passion for continually advancing his clinical skills through continuing education courses and additional training.

Some of the specialty services he offers include platelet-rich plasma, acupuncture, intravenous therapies (vitamin C, Myers’ cocktail, chelation therapy) and neural prolotherapy. Dr. MacLeod also offers a variety of laboratory tests including urine toxic metal analysis, vitamin D bloodspot, food sensitivity testing, comprehensive digestive stool analysis, stool parasite testing and others.

Dr. MacLeod’s mission and goal is helping patients achieve optimal health, prevention of disease and a long, happy life. Offering a number of specialty naturopathic services is an important part of his dedication to helping patients with chronic, degenerative conditions.



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