ND Profile

Penny Seth-Smith, ND

Dr. Penny has been in full time practice helping people get better for over 20 years.
She has enjoyed excellent results helping people with:

* Migraines and Chronic Headaches - using non-toxic treatments that leave no hangover.

* Digestive Health - from simple food allergies and sensitivities to Candida overgrowth, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and autoimmune conditions such as Crohn’s Disease and Colitis.
* Skin Health - which is frequently related to digestive health.
* Hormonal Health - especially thyroid, adrenal and women’s hormonal imbalances.
* Fatigue and Exhaustion - by finding and addressing the causes.
* Mental and Emotional Health - including stress, anxiety, depression and the lingering effects of traumas, whether from way back in childhood or the more recent past.
* Chelation (heavy metal detoxification) using treatments given by mouth rather than intravenously.
* Chronic Kidney Disease - improving kidney function.
* Mononucleosis - this can be better faster with adjunctive naturopathic care

Dr. Penny enjoys the detective work involved in challenging cases, where the regular medical system has been unable to find out why you feel so awful, or to help you as much as you need.

In addition to naturopathic diet, lifestyle, nutritional and herbal supplements, she offers classical homeopathy as well as German homotoxicology, for offloading toxins that have managed to get deeply into your system and cause problems there. She also offers scar reduction treatments and facial mesotherapy, to reduce wrinkles naturally without using fillers or Botox.

All supplements and remedies are tested using applied kinesiology, also known as muscle testing, to see which of the promising treatments are the ones that have the greatest affinity with your body’s current needs.

Dr. Penny is continually taking new patients as her patients keep getting better, creating time to help others.

Thermography tests, to assist breast health assessment, without the use of X-rays, are available without having to become a patient.

Dr. Penny is active in her profession having sat on the board of the College of Naturopathic Physicians of BC (the body that regulates the naturopathic profession in BC). She has received awards both for her "Outstanding Contribution Towards Advancing Naturopathic Medicine" in 2004 for chairing the bylaws committee and in 2013 for her "Outstanding Committee Contribution" on the Inquiries Committee. This committee ensures the protection of the public and maintenance of the high standards required by members of a regulated health profession. She currently also sits on the Standards of Practice Committee.

Additionally she enjoys public speaking and has twice organized and been Master of Ceremonies at large successful events celebrating Naturopathic Medicine Week.



  • British Columbia
    • Acupuncture
    • Aesthetic Procedures
    • IV & Chelation
    • Prescriptive Authority


  • English